The Start of the Home Coffee Pro

How I Became a Home Coffee Pro in Search of the Perfect Espresso

I have a confession to make: I’m a coffee addict. Ever since I was a teenager in Sydney, Australia, I’ve been hooked on the aroma, the flavor, and the ritual of coffee. I would hang out at my local coffee place, chat with the owner/barista, and enjoy a delicious espresso-based drink. No drip coffee for me, thank you very much.

When I moved to New York in 2013, my coffee passion began to fade. The coffee was too burnt and bitter for my taste and I couldn’t find the same quality and variety that I was used to in Australia. I stopped drinking coffee for four years. That changed in 2017, when I discovered Australian coffee shops throughout the city and decided to give them a try, I was pleasantly surprised. The espresso was smooth, rich, and complex. It reminded me of what I had been missing.

Thus began my desire to learn more about espresso, and how to make it myself. I wanted to find the perfect espresso, the one that would satisfy my palate and my soul. I wanted to become a home coffee pro.

My journey of exploration, experimentation, and education began. After receiving an espresso machine as a wedding gift, I began practicing at home, adding a grinder, and scale during my trial runs. I visited hundreds of coffee shops, ordered espressos, and compared notes. I read books, blogs, and forums about coffee and learned about the different types of beans, roasts, grinds, and brews. I learned how to taste, smell, and appreciate the nuances of coffee.

I’m still learning and chasing the unicorn that is the perfect espresso. Along the way, discovering so much more. I’ve discovered the joy of making coffee, the art of crafting a beautiful drink, and the community of coffee lovers.

If you’re like me, and you want to make your own espresso at home, you’re in the right place. In this blog, I’ll share with you everything I know and everything I’m learning about coffee. I’ll give you tips, tricks, and reviews on how to make the best espresso possible. I’ll also cover other topics, such as milk-based drinks, drip and pour over coffees, and more.

So, join me on this journey, and let’s become home coffee pros together.